As I was hooked up on Teen Wolf, I had the chance not only to admire the boys on the series, but the gorgeous ladies, their style, makeup and hair. I think it will have a big impact on me in future post ideas, so lets get this one started! Actually the braids started from Zoella, then I saw it on Hello-October from Suzie and the boom came Lydia, Allison ( Teen Wolf ) and then the greatest "tutor(ial)" on Youtube: Cassie (she has not only Teen Wolf themed but any kind of amazing hari-tutorials and makeup as well). Eventually the braids came across me by just every living women on earth. Anyways here are a few of my recent braids that I am damn proud of! :)
So this was an easy milkmaid braid and I am serious when I say it was easy :) Excuse the ugly jumper. Credits to Emily from emiloue who has an incredible Lydia Martin milkmaid braid tutorial on her blog, you can check it out here! :) So simple, even I could "master it".
I was going to a party and didn't want to wash my hair so I just made an easy ponytail, teased the top of it and made a loose fishtail-braid at the lower half. Well the only problem was that I got tired with holding my arms up as I braided:D
This one is a total Lydia inspired hairstyle. It consists of only a twist each side that turns into a braid and secured with some bobby pins. I don't know what was wrong with my camera, but I am kind of sorting it out, sorry! Also no idea why the sad face :D
And the last is a milkmaid one as well ( despite my early fear I fell in love with this hairstyle ). I seriously don't know what happened here to my camera...anyway, if you would like me to recreate these hair-styles step by step here on the blog just comment down please!:)
xx, Kyra